Improvements of the Infinity Army #1

Army is a great and essential tool for playing Infinity. Hours can be spent creating countless army ideas, making funny lists, or just looking at what great units are in a particular faction. After all the hours I put in, I got to thinking: Could it get any better? Well, in this series, I’m trying to suggest.

In the first part, i would like to show my ideas to the community, how can be better the Infinity Army webapp -can i say that? -. Then, i’ll summarize my thoughts on the generated PDF, how can be even more useful and informative.

But, after I said Amry is a great tool, what’s wrong with it? Nothing really. You can check every info, that is needed to create army, check every Hacking program, Fireteam options, etc. My ideas are some minor changes, but maybe can be improve the Army.

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